How will it all work?
While there is much still to work out, here is what we have so far in terms of concepts
The domains are the surface of the sea.
Each domain contains as much of the Sea's information as it can hold
Organized in to subdonains that keep the data accessible
Even if one area of the Sea is poisoned, the rest will have time to prevent total collapse
Subdomains - below the surface
Beneath the anonymized domains lies the information.
Information can be stored in multiple ways to encourage easy lookup, such as (but not limited to)
- Category
- Author
- Publisher
- Organization
Each different way of storing it will requre a different top-level subdomain (tls.domain.tld), like or
This will allow for easy separation of the different ways of storing information
DNS CNAME records can be used to crosslink different methods of storage as needed
The System
A basic part of any information system is ensuring a robust system of both tools to make updates along with strong Acesos and Change control mechanisms
While this is complex the tools for this already exist - nothing fancy is needed.
This is the part of the Sea of Domains however that requires more than just DNS - it will require infrastructure and engineering worka.
To begin with much of this will rely on existing internet infrastructure, however to survive it will need nameservers of its own.
Clients and Viewers
This will be the software that is used to access information stored in the Sea
There will be an approved process for validating that a client follows the rules of the Sea
This will be a simple process, but it will be necessary to ensure that the information is not tampered with
Since the data will truly be public it is not about preventing access, but preventing misinterpretation
Language of Knowledge
To begin with saving knoweledge is the key - speed is of the essence and we can't wait for a new language to express it in.
That being said we will be using a limited technology to store it, and to make it more than just a novelty something new will be needed.
For this I propose a new language, designed solely to store knowledge.
A language without ambiguity, with a single token for every unique concept.
That can be easily translated into any other language, to be easily understood by any human.
One that can uniquely be compressed and stored while using as little space as possible.
Prime Numbers
The language will be based on prime numbers, with each prime number representing a unique concept.
The prime-concept mapping is stored as a hash table - and the numbers alone are meaningless without it.
Given the extensive research into and use of prime numbers, this is a good choice for a base.
Laws of prime number multiplication make each combination of concept unique as well
We only will run out of possibly represented concepts if we run out of prime numbers (wink).
As data gets stored into the system categorically, it will be added to each associated concept's prime number subdomain
This will allow for easy lookup and retrieval of information
This idea is in the very early stages and the project is not waiting it to get started.